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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Customer Service

I have been in industry for over 30 years, where providing customer service was job one. It didn't matter what product you offered, just how well you took care of your customer, whether on the phone or standing across from you.

The one thing I have taken away from all these years of working in a sales capacity, is that there is no cookie cutter method of taking care of people. All people are unique, and bring to you their own set of issues and requirements. Being unique requires that they get taken care with a focus on their needs. Maybe two people are coming in for the same product, but they each have different ideas of what feature or benefit is important to them. If they don't care about one feature, but you think it's important, just gloss over it and talk to them about what they perceive is important.

Maybe they don't know anything at all about your product or service. Then you have to start asking questions and find out what interests them. Point out all the bells and whistles, but listen to, and watch your customer and see if they are following you or have lost interest in what you are saying. Keep them engaged. Don't do all the talking, but more listening.

So where am I going with this. Now that I am working for myself, I find that I am both the customer and customer service representative. But I want to talk about being the customer in this new industry I have chosen to be a part of.

I started out not knowing anyone who did this or any supplier. In the course of the next year, I started working with several vendors, acquired equipment and supplies and began the journey. I got involved in social networking and have come to meet a lot of people (on line) through this venue. Last year I didn't even know anything about Twitter, and now use it daily, along with Facebook. The people on line are vendors and others in the industry. I have even selected one other screen printer to be my mentor and he has provided me invaluable assistance. Thank you Gary.

But what of the people who supply products. Wow, there really are a lot of them. Some extremely helpful and some who just sort of take you for granted. So let me just focus on a couple of people who have gone out of their way to provide help to someone who is just a little guy in this big pond of apparel decorators.

Yesterday, I had a need for some emulsion and found someone local in Portland. I filled out an online contact form and they immediately got a hold of me. I then went to their location and was totally impressed with how they took care of me. I was a customer, not an interruption. I left with my supplies, literature and a sense that they would soon be a primary supplier for my screen print and vinyl needs. The company was Midwest Sign and Screen Printing Supply.

The other company I would like to mention is EnMart, I placed my first order with them for some screen print transfers. I uploaded the artwork, incorrectly, sent them an e-mail mentioning my boo boo and they immediately responded to my e-mail and took care of it. The next day, they called to verify the submitted artwork, and because of that call resolved what could have been an incorrect transfer. Again, my bad, in submitting the artwork. They could have just sent it as submitted and then tell me later it was what I sent them, but they went the extra step to verify. I also know that when the transfers arrive, they are going to look great!

What does all of this mean? By being a customer I have a greater insight of what my customer might want and expect. I have always been good at taking care of a persons needs, but now I can really appreciate some things that I may have taken for granted before. So now, I move forward with greater insight.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dreams and Starting Over

Is it ever to late to start something new? That dream you've always had but never really got around to doing. I believe the answer is no, it's never too late. We just need to have the dream and act upon it. That however is easier said than done.

Not to long ago, I had and idea and started to move forward with it. I thought I would like to be in the decorated apparel business and sell t-shirts on line. I thought it was something I could do part time, grease the wheels for retirement, and then be able to kick back and enjoy the later years.

Well the reality is that it isn't something you can do and NOT devote the necessary time to. So as I moved forward I found I was more involved in it then I thought I would be and unfortunately, the people I worked for noticed also. I say unfortunately, but that's not true. I did work for a really great company, and I could have stayed more focused on their needs and in a few short years I would have had my retirement, but not my dream. So, they noticed and our relationship ended.

That sounds unfortunate, but really it was the kick in the butt I needed to really start focusing on my dream. Now I have the time and a need to jump into the drivers seat of my own destiny and steer myself to success.

What lies ahead? A road filled with potholes or a smoothly paved superhighway. I think a little of both. Certainly obstacles, and opportunities. But dreamers look at obstacles as opportunities and work through them and learn from them. Will it be easy? That's the last thing it will be, but if it were easy then why would we want it, or want to challenge ourselves. If we didn't have the worries, the sweat or the angst, then would we be able to enjoy the smiles later? Not at all.

Now, after a lot of years I'm going to live my dream and admittedly, I'm a little scared. But, I am also proud of the accomplishments so far and my optimism will carry me forward. That and my partner, wife and best friend who has always been there for me.

Dreamers, keep dreaming and don't be afraid to pursue it, or it could become something you'll look back on and regret. encourages you to chase the dream.