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Monday, June 7, 2010

I Believe

I Believe is the latest shirt that's going to be added to I Believe is a shirt with just a simple statement without any great graphics or artwork. It's just a statement that there is a belief that you have.

This was an idea that my daughter came up with. Maybe it's for children who want to believe in Santa Claus. A child grows up so fast anymore, and to be able to hang onto that belief just gives them a longer childhood. A gift that can warm a child's heart and make him smile, even a simple gift, can only have been brought to them by a Saint, named Nick. Let them Believe.

We all have strong beliefs'. I believe that we live in the greatest country on the planet. We fought, we endured. We dreamed, we built. We had obstacles, we overcame. Throughout our history, we faced challenges and rose above and created something better. So, in this place, I Believe.

There are people of Faith. Diverse, yet a core belief that Someone is guiding their life and lifting them up through all of the roadblocks on their journey forward. So, in Faith, I Believe.

Dreamers of all kinds who have had ideas and a drive to make things happen, Believe.

Entrepreneurs that take risks, Believe.

People who envisioned equality and civil rights, Believed.

The people looking out into the stars for another place like ours. They believe.

I Believe can be whatever you want it to be. You just have to "Believe".